Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our First Vacation

Tuesday at 5:30 am, Jake, Ryleigh and I went to Pocatello, Idaho.
Jake had an interview in American Falls so we made a mini vacation out of it. Ryleigh was very well behaved on our way there. We had to make a few stops to feed and stretch but made it 12 hours later to the hotel.
We spent all day Wednesday looking at houses around Pocatello ( Thank God for the GPS). Ryleigh spent a lot of time sleeping in her car seat. :o) Thursday Jake had his interview in American Falls so Ryleigh and I had some R&R in the hotel room.
Ryleigh had her very own bed on the hotel bed. Thanks to Shawna we were able to use the little travel bassinet that she gave us and it worked wonderfully!
For a while we have been struggling with Ryleigh's sleep patterns. She would have a SUPER fussy period from 10 pm to 3 am. It was hard because then I felt like I was sleeping all day because I had no sleep during the night.
This week was a major breaking point and Ryleigh has been going to bed for the night around 10 pm and sleeping for 6 - 8 hours straight. What a relief. I have finally been able to catch up on my sleep.
On Friday we spent the morning looking at houses again and left for our trip home at noon. We thought that since the trip to Pocatello went so well we would have the same luck returning home. However, this was not the case! It took us 7 hours to drive a 4 hour distance. Ryleigh was fed up being in the car seat. We ended up staying the night in Drummond, MT and finishing our return home on Saturday. We finally arrived home Saturday afternoon.
Overall, the trip was very successful and Ryleigh was very well behaved. We count our blessing for having such a perfect baby. :o) She is growing fast and we have seen her change a lot in the past week. She is much more interactive and smiles a lot. She is 9lbs and counting.


Jess and Eli

Oh Tina, she is SO beautiful!!! I can't wait to snuggle her! You know, if you and Jake decide to move to the American Falls/Pocatello area you will only be an hour from Eli's and my home town (Preston)! My grandma actually lives in American Falls! This means that we could at least see you guys once in awhile! I hope Jake's interview went well!