Tuesday, October 13, 2009

All Smiles

Ryleigh has started this phase where she constantly has her hands in her mouth. We will be talking and playing with her and she will be smiling and talking while her hands are in her mouth. It is almost impossible to keep the slobber off of her clothes. :o) It is also very difficult to get her smiles on camera because her hands are always in the way.
She is still a little bit small for the activity gym that the Torquato family gave us, but as you can see, that doesn't bother her a bit. We just bundle blankets around her so she doesn't fall over.
I have a feeling that Ryleigh is going to love swimming!!! She loves bath time until we take her out and then she gets a little bit upset. She isn't to thrilled with the bath chair we have but loves to float and splash in the tub. She gets real excited and starts kicking with her feet and splashing with her arms.
We look forward to when she can sit up without the help of boppys.
Nana and Papi have been out of town all week on vacation in Canada. I think Ryleigh is starting to miss her Nana. :o) She sure is a spoiled and well loved little girl!
Jake and I feel so lucky to have a well behaved and happy girl. She is our world and we love her so much!


Jess and Eli

We have the hardest time catching smiles on camera too! You have so many of Ryleigh and every time I see her, she makes my heart melt! She is beautiful!