I found this adorable theme that I am going to use to decorate!!! They have the little wooden animals at Wal-Mart and I plan to buy them and hand paint them to make a border around the room. I just love these little animals because they are so bright and cheery!!

Fisher Price has the cutest things, they have everything you can imagine in precious planet from bath stations/bath toys to cribs and highchairs. I just love how this decor can be appropriate for both boys and girls.

Jake and I will be living with my parents for the month of July and August until Jake has completed graduate school in August and gets a job. It will be exciting to have a new baby, a new home, and a new job. Hopefully we can meet lots of new people and make new friends as well.

Ryleigh Payton Sade Wall

I love her name! How exciting! I'm so glad that we are going through this together! What an adventure that is going to forever change our lives!
What a good idea. Post pictures when you have it all done.
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