With the temperatures getting below freezing we thought Ryleigh should have extra bundling. We found this super cute and warm snowsuit. She looks like she is swimming in it but it's size 0-6 months so she will be able to use it all winter! So now we don't have an excuse to skip our daily walks. I am so excited because her head is finally big enough to fit some of the hats we have. We weighed her this week and she is 10 lbs 8oz. She is starting to giggle every now and then and her fussy periods have significantly decreased! She is growing up.
We just bought Addi one of those big things too...from ROSS! Do you find that her face and nose still gets cold? Does she have a runny nose after you are done? Since I've started back to work, we are very selective with our walks if the weather is chilly b/c she has been fighting a slight stuffy nose. I don't want it to get worse by taking her out but if you feel like Ryleigh stays plenty warm being all bundled...maybe we'll try it out! (I am SO glad that we have babies so close in age! I loved being able to experience pregnancy with you and now we get to experience motherhood together!)
she is soooo cute!
We just bought Addi one of those big things too...from ROSS! Do you find that her face and nose still gets cold? Does she have a runny nose after you are done? Since I've started back to work, we are very selective with our walks if the weather is chilly b/c she has been fighting a slight stuffy nose. I don't want it to get worse by taking her out but if you feel like Ryleigh stays plenty warm being all bundled...maybe we'll try it out! (I am SO glad that we have babies so close in age! I loved being able to experience pregnancy with you and now we get to experience motherhood together!)
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