Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random Picture Blog (TAG)

OH NO!!! I was TAGGED and this is how this works. You randomly take pictures of you, your house, and one favorite thing. Now, you can't clean before you take these pictures (if I couldn't than you can't either!)

Picture of myself; you caught me in my jammies.....

Starting in the living room.......

Here is our Little Laundry Room. We just got a new washer and dryer and now doing laundry is so much fun!

Next is our pantry. I know, look at all the junk food.

When we moved in there were not shelves so Jake built these, hopefully we get our deposit back.

The # 1 priority in this house to have is our dishwasher, we bought a portable dishwasher on Vandal Trading Post for $ 75 ... what a steal!

Here is my kitchen, this is the most valued and favorate place in my house. I love to cook! An NO I DIDNT CLEAN BEFORE TAKING THESE PICTURES. I am a neat freak and my kitchen HAS to be clean!

Here is our little dining room.

I love plants and these are my babies. I currently have 6 house plants in this room.

Here is the rest of the little dining room. And there is Jake busy with his hydrogen booster. I try so hard to keep his closet with his tools and other boy toys organized but it never seems to stay that way. I can't wait to have a garage so that he can make a mess there. :o)

Now to the upstairs.......
The Computer Room.... Can you tell who's desk is who's??!!??!
Jake's Desk (above)
Tina's Desk (below)
The Bathroom
And Finally.... The Bedroom

The Closet Is Always Organized Because It Is So Small.

Here is the Treadmill (that rarely gets used)

The Dresser is my pride and joy. I had some people just give it to me and its real wood so my dad and I sanded it bare and re-stained it. Now it is very sturdy and has very good memories. The hard work paid off.

Finally! My most favorite item in my house is this picture of my mom. She is the most beautiful woman I know and I just LOVE this picture of her. She is my best friend.

So there ya go, my random picture tag.

I TAG anyone who reads this! You must do this so all your friends and family know how you live.