The Month of July has been filled with FUN!
We got invited by friends from our Church to have a 4th of July BBQ. It was great to get to know our friends better and of course, eat some good food!
We also got invited by some other friends to play at the beach / lake that is about 4 miles from our house. Ryleigh absolutely loves the water and it was a perfect beach for play!

I can not believe that Ryleigh is almost 3!!!! She is FULL of energy and makes our life so much fun for sure!
The weather has finally warmed up here and we made the best investment in purchasing a small pool for the back yard. She goes swimming almost every day! Even if it is just for a 10 minute dip. :o)
We have been really enjoying all the fun adventures and opportunities that we have experienced and have yet to experience. Life is Good!
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