Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scrapbooking at

Ryleigh has been growing fast!!! We had her first doctor’s appointment with the pediatrician and she weighs a whopping 7lbs!!! She is two weeks old tomorrow and in some ways it seems like it has been so much longer than two weeks and in other ways it seems like it was just yesterday that we met her. It has been a learning experience getting to know Ryleigh. She has her likes and dislikes already and knows how to tell us by crying. :o)

Eating (when she feels like it)
Sleeping (when she feels like it)
Smiling (when she has gas...I think...)
Intently Staring (when she isn't sleeping or eating)
Cuddling (she has to be right in your neck)
Baby Sling (she likes walks while Daddy carries her in the sling)

Dirty Diapers (not even a little dribble or she is mad!)
Binky's (except for the hospital binky)
Being Naked (modesty at an early age)
Being Swaddled (her arms must be free)
Being Alone (she knows when you lay her in her crib...)

Ryleigh is definitely on her own schedule these days. It seems like she sleeps all day and is up all night. I no longer get the 8 - 13 hours of sleep a night that I use to and that can be very frustrating. Thankfully my mom has been a GREAT help and keeps an eye on her while I take little naps. She has been held so much around here because there seems to always be so many hands to hold her, so now she really doesn't like it when she isn't being held!!! (Spoiled....)

My grandma (from Mitchell) and my uncle (from Portland) came to visit today which was fun. And my uncle (from Alabama) has been here for the weekend. My sister and niece (from Deary) also came today.
It has been a very busy weekend for sure!

My niece Cassidy

My Grandma

Me and my mom

Jake, Ryleigh and Me

My grandma, niece, sister, uncle, mom, Jake, me & Ryleigh